Blue Diversion Toilet

The "Blue Diversion Toilet" of Eawag and EOOS recovers resources and water for recycling.
Tribecraft reengineered the technology.

The toilet has been developed by Eawag — the aquatic research institute — and designed by EOOS Design Studio for locations lacking a water infrastructure as part of the "Reinvent the toilet challenge" funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Urine and feces are separated and later recovered, the process water hygienically treated. Our job was to re-engineer the technology: A new hydraulic concept, as well as integration of micro-controlled pumps, actuators and sensors ensure a robust energy and water balance. We supported production, installation and startup of the test series.

Functional prototype of the revised hydraulic concept in Tribecraft's wet lab.
Test series with test substance
Miso-Pulp: Test substance as feces-substitute for geometry and flushing tests.
Testing a ventilation concept in the "bambi" bioreactor.
Evaluation of ventilation setups in the bioreactor.
Sketch of a feedback control system.
The control electronics in a CAD assembly.
Mounting and configuring the prototype-series by Tribecraft at EAWAG.
Optimization of the control system at Tribecraft.
Oliver Baur preparing the field tests.
“The toilet has passed two successful field tests in Uganda and in Kenya”
Blue Diversion Toilet Website



Our Contribution:

Hydraulic Concept
CAD Construction
System Technology
Manufacturing and Installation
Startup Procedures



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